Instant poll: Is there an urgent need to protect the Mississippi River?

Instant poll: Is there an urgent need to protect the Mississippi River?StarTribune Minneapolis St. Paul, MN; October 2007 # of votes % of votes Yes 355 83 % Only in the South 28 7 % No 44 10 % Total Votes 427   Editor's note: Instant polls are intended as entertainment. They are not considered [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00October 29th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Instant poll: Is there an urgent need to protect the Mississippi River?

Editorial: Neglect on the Mississippi

Editorial: Neglect on the MississippiStarTribune Minneapolis St. Paul, MN; October 21, 2007 "The EPA has failed to use its authorities under the Clean Water Act to provide adequate interstate coordination and oversight of state water quality activities along the Mississippi River." An Oct. 16 report published by the National Academy of Sciences. "The EPA is [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00October 29th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Editorial: Neglect on the Mississippi

Government must do more to protect Mississippi River, study says

Government must do more to protect Mississippi River, study says By Associated PressStarTribune Minneapolis St. Paul, MN; October 16, 2007 A study says that states along the northern part of the Mississippi River basin are promoting cooperative water-quality studies and other initiatives. But there is no similar organization for the lower-river states — Kentucky, Tennessee, [...]

2007-10-29T10:36:00+00:00October 29th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Government must do more to protect Mississippi River, study says

From Bad to Thirst

From Bad to Thirst By Elizabeth RoyteGRIST, Environmental News and Commentary; Oct 16, 2007 late September, the corn and soybean fields of the lower Missouri River floodplain are a lovely dull brown, nearly ready for harvest. The row crops sprawl as far as the eye can see, their regimental march broken only by levees, gravel [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00October 29th, 2007|News|Comments Off on From Bad to Thirst

Decoding the Mysteries of the Gulf Dead Zone

Decoding the Mysteries of the Gulf Dead Zone Environmental News Service; October 18, 2007 AUSTIN, Texas, October 18, 2007 (ENS) - Off the coast of Louisiana and Texas this summer, an area of deep water covering 7,900 square miles in the Gulf of Mexico was declared hypoxic. This area of low oxygen water called the [...]

2007-10-22T09:46:00+00:00October 22nd, 2007|News|Comments Off on Decoding the Mysteries of the Gulf Dead Zone

Ethanol Incentives Contribute to Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone

Ethanol Incentives Contribute to Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone By Clayton Bodie CornellGreen Options; October 20, 2007 It looks like ethanol subsidies may impede efforts to reduce the size of the Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico. A draft report from the EPA Science Advisory Board says that ethanol subsidies could lead to a [...]

2007-10-22T09:41:00+00:00October 22nd, 2007|News|Comments Off on Ethanol Incentives Contribute to Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone

NOAA report finds most coastal areas suffer from excess nutrients

NOAA report finds most coastal areas suffer from excess nutrients By Karl BlankenshipChesapeake Bay Journal, October 2007 The vast majority of the nation's estuarine waters suffer from excess nutrients, and most are predicted to worsen by 2020 as populations in coastal areas continue to swell, according to a recent report. The report from the National [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00October 22nd, 2007|News|Comments Off on NOAA report finds most coastal areas suffer from excess nutrients

Report: Divisions muddy rivers quality

Report: Divisions muddy rivers quality By Amy WoldThe Advocate; Baton Rouge October 17, 2007 state-by-state approach  used to monitor and address water quality in the Mississippi River needs to be changed, The National Academies recommends in a new report. The report says the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency should take the lead in organizing data collection [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00October 21st, 2007|News|Comments Off on Report: Divisions muddy rivers quality

Report: EPA fails to protect river

Report: EPA fails to protect river By Chris KirkhamTimes Picayune; October 17, 2007 The Environmental Protection Agency and states along the Mississippi River must be more vigilant in controlling the flow of pollutants in the river, many of which come from fertilizers used on farms upstream and eventually contribute to the annual "dead zone" that [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00October 21st, 2007|News|Comments Off on Report: EPA fails to protect river

Ethanol production threatens Gulf

Ethanol production threatens GulfThe Daily Advertiser, Lafayette, LA; October 14, 2007 Production of ethanol from corn can increase the threat to water bodies such as the Gulf of Mexico. The National Research Council, part of the National Academy of Sciences, says corn requires a large amount of fertilizer and water resources. The flow of fertilizer [...]

2007-10-15T09:01:00+00:00October 15th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Ethanol production threatens Gulf
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