Dr. Nancy Rabalais

Professor, Oceanography and Coastal Studies LSU, Shell Endowed Chair in Oceanography and Wetland Studies LSU, & Distinguished Research Professor LUMCON

Dr. Cassandra Glaspie

Assistant Prof., Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences LSU

Dr. R. Eugene Turner

LSU Boyd Professor, Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences

Wendy Morrison

Senior Research Associate and Data Manager

Emily Savoie

Research Associate

Gina Woods

Research Associate

Dr. Leslie Smith

Data Manager

Past Team Members

  • Quay Dortch, Ph.D. LUMCON
  • Dubravko Justić, Ph.D. LSU
  • Melissa Baustian, Ph.D. LUMCON and LSU
  • Nazan Atilla, Ph.D. LUMCON and LSU
  • Naureen Qureshi, Ph.D. LUMCON and LSU
  • Nina de Luca, Ph.D. LUMCON
  • Wendy Morrison, Senior Research Associate LUMCON
  • Lora Pride, Research Assistant and Dive Safety Officer (part-time) LUMCON
  • Adam Sapp, Research Assistant and Data Manager LUMCON
  • Kyle Reynolds, Research Assistant LUMCON
  • Amanda Fontenot, Environmental Monitoring Technician LUMCON
  • Thomas Widgeon, Research Assistant and Data assistance LUMCON
  • Claire Windecker, Research Assistant LUMCON
  • Jason Weick, Research Assistant and Data assistance LUMCON
  • Lorene Smith, Research Associate LUMCON
  • Jim Lee, Research Associate LSU
  • Charles Milan, Research Associate, LSU

Special thanks to the R/V Pelican crew, the Acadiana crew, and the Whiskey Pass, and let’s not forget the E. coli