Indiana among worst contributors to Gulf ‘dead zone’

Indiana among worst contributors to Gulf 'dead zone' By WishTV8.comAssociated Press, Feb 4, 2008 INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - According to the U.S. Geological Survey, Indiana is among the worst pollutors of a nearly 8,000 square-mile patch in the Gulf of Mexico. The survey says Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee, Ohio and Mississippi represent one [...]

2008-02-11T08:42:00+00:00February 11th, 2008|News|Comments Off on Indiana among worst contributors to Gulf ‘dead zone’

Iowa helped create ‘dead zone’; should help fix it

Iowa helped create 'dead zone'; should help fix it By Marian Riggs GelbDesMoines Register; February 9, 2008 As shown in a recent government study and noted in Philip Brasher's article, "U.S. Study Says Iowa Among Main Gulf Polluters," Iowa ranks high among nine states whose farm runoff creates the so-called dead zone in the Gulf [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:27+00:00February 11th, 2008|News|Comments Off on Iowa helped create ‘dead zone’; should help fix it

Indiana among top Gulf polluters

Indiana among top Gulf polluters By Philip Brasherand Maureen Groppe, Gannett News ServiceThe Indianapolis Star, February 5, 2008 WASHINGTON -- Farms in Indiana and eight other states cause most of the pollution that creates a "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico, a new government study says. The study by the U.S. Geological Survey also [...]

2008-02-07T07:32:00+00:00February 7th, 2008|News|Comments Off on Indiana among top Gulf polluters

Kentucky, Indiana blamed for polluting Gulf waters

Kentucky, Indiana blamed for polluting Gulf waters By James BruggersLouisville Courier - Journal, February 4, 2008 There's a Massachusetts-size "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico that's threatening a $6 billion fishing industry there -- and Indiana and Kentucky are getting some of the blame. Findings by the U.S. Geological Survey put the two states [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:27+00:00February 6th, 2008|News|Comments Off on Kentucky, Indiana blamed for polluting Gulf waters

Officials can help solve dead-zone issue

Officials can help solve dead-zone issueThe Daily Advertiser, Lafayette; 2 February 2008 A battle could be brewing between fishermen and farmers over dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico. More than six years after a special task force pledged to reduce the zone to a quarter of its size by 2015, it is still growing. [...]

2008-02-05T12:03:00+00:00February 5th, 2008|News|Comments Off on Officials can help solve dead-zone issue

EDITORIAL: The nutrient nine

EDITORIAL: The nutrient nineTimes-Picayune; February 1, 2008 The Mississippi River drains a huge part of the country -- 31 states and two Canadian provinces -- but just nine states are responsible for most of the nutrient pollution that ends up in the Gulf of Mexico and causes the annual dead zone off Louisiana's coast.   [...]

2008-02-03T10:58:00+00:00February 3rd, 2008|News|Comments Off on EDITORIAL: The nutrient nine

Mapping Coastal Eutrophication

Mapping Coastal Eutrophication By Garry PetersonResilience Science; Ecosystem services, Greenlash, Regime Shifts and Visualization; Jan 28, 2008For the Map and the full story, please go to: Current industrial agricultural practices produce a tradeoff between agricultural production and the quality of coastal ecosystems, because agricultural fertilizers that increase crop yields lead to the creation of [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:27+00:00January 31st, 2008|News|Comments Off on Mapping Coastal Eutrophication

Livestock Sector Drives Increasing Water Pollution

Livestock Sector Drives Increasing Water Pollution By Lisa RaffenspergerWorld Resources Institute; Earth Trends Environmental Information; January 30, 2008For the full story, please go to: Anyone who's ever seen a cow pasture would likely recognize some of the most immediate environmental impacts of large-scale livestock farming--trampled ground, eroded stream banks, lots of manure. However, a [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:27+00:00January 31st, 2008|News|Comments Off on Livestock Sector Drives Increasing Water Pollution

U.S. study says Iowa among main Gulf polluters

U.S. study says Iowa among main Gulf polluters By PHILIP BRASHER REGISTER WASHINGTON BUREAU JANUARY 30, 2008 Des Moines Register; 30 January 2008 Washington, D.C. - Farms in Iowa and eight other Midwestern and Southern states are causing most of the pollution that creates a "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico, a government study [...]

2008-01-31T11:15:00+00:00January 31st, 2008|News|Comments Off on U.S. study says Iowa among main Gulf polluters

Dead zone diet

Dead zone diet By MEGHA SATYANARAYANASun Herald, Biloxi, Mi; January 30, 2008 and their animals feed Gulf's algae The nutrient-rich muck created by corn, soybean and livestock farming in Mississippi and other states is fortifying the Gulf of Mexico dead zone, according to federal scientists in a new study. A possible trade-off of plentiful terrestrial [...]

2008-01-31T11:03:00+00:00January 31st, 2008|News|Comments Off on Dead zone diet
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