Plan may protect Gulf

Plan may protect Gulf By GulfFederal and state governments are setting into motion plans to protect northern Gulf of Mexico communities from future hazards, policy makers invited to speak at a conference for scientists and coastal natural resource managers said Wednesday.Thu, Nov. 30, 2006; Sun HeraldThe full article will be available on the Web for [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:29+00:00December 31st, 2006|News|Comments Off on Plan may protect Gulf

Scientist calls for action to help Gulf

Scientist calls for action to help Gulf By A world-renowned ocean explorer and scientist called on her marine and coastal science colleagues at a symposium to move beyond research and take action for healthy seas, which she said are being exploited beyond what they can shoulder.Nov. 29, 2006, Sun HeraldThe full article will be available [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:31+00:00December 31st, 2006|News|Comments Off on Scientist calls for action to help Gulf

Slowing a tide of pollutants

Slowing a tide of pollutants By Runoff from land dwellers -- urban and agricultural -- harms coastal waters, but there are solutionsDecember 25, 2006, Los Angeles TimesBy Kenneth R. WeissTimes Staff WriterDecember 25, 2006CALL it the slobber stopper.It looks like an elaborate fountain. Water gurgles through a series of red-tiled pools, spillways and chutes within [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:31+00:00December 31st, 2006|News|Comments Off on Slowing a tide of pollutants

EPA funding study of Gulfs dead zone

EPA funding study of Gulfs dead zone Dec 7, 2006; awarded grants to LSU’s Coastal Studies Institute here and the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium in Cocodrie so researchers can work to better understand the “dead zones” that form each summer in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast. The grants are part [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:31+00:00December 8th, 2006|News|Comments Off on EPA funding study of Gulfs dead zone

A greener Congress

A greener Congress11/25/2006, St. Louis Post-Dispatch By Adam Sichko POST-DISPATCH WASHINGTON BUREAU — Deadly chemical runoff and suffocating loads of sedimentplague the Mississippi River, and the governors of Missouri, Illinois andthree other states in the river basin want an accounting of the problem.A bill in Congress would do just that, and now that Democrats have [...]

2006-12-05T08:13:00+00:00December 5th, 2006|News|Comments Off on A greener Congress

U.S. Delays Slow Chesapeake Bay Cleanup, Audit Says (Update 3)

U.S. Delays Slow Chesapeake Bay Cleanup, Audit Says (Update 3)November 27, 2006 18:47 EST, Bloomberg News Service Neil Roland Nov. 27 (Bloomberg) -- The Bush administration's lack of commitment, coordination and funding contributed to delays in cleaning up Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries in the District of Columbia and six eastern U.S. states, a U.S. [...]

2006-11-29T10:19:00+00:00November 29th, 2006|News|Comments Off on U.S. Delays Slow Chesapeake Bay Cleanup, Audit Says (Update 3)

Killing the Dead Zones

Killing the Dead ZonesTuesday, November 28, 2006; Washington Post, Page A18Washington Post editorial on the Chesapeake Bay? LAST YEAR was particularly bad for the Chesapeake Bay. Among its many problems, 4.5 percent of the bay's water had extremely low levels of oxygen saturation during the summer, creating anoxic "dead zones" that killed off valuable ecosystems. [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:31+00:00November 29th, 2006|News|Comments Off on Killing the Dead Zones

Will there be enough corn?

Will there be enough corn?November 19, 2006, Ethanol boom poses environmental, economic challenges for Iowa   It's hard to believe, but with fuel processors ratcheting up demand, Iowa could one day find itself short of its signature product. By PHILIP BRASHERREGISTER WASHINGTON BUREAU  Washington, D.C. - Iowa helps feed the country, and increasingly fuels [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:32+00:00November 20th, 2006|News|Comments Off on Will there be enough corn?

[SEASPAN] UN Warns Ocean Dead Zones on the Rise

[SEASPAN] UN Warns Ocean Dead Zones on the RiseOctober - B 2006, volume 12-18CONTENTS:A) FEATURE1) UN Warns Ocean Dead Zones on the RiseB) NEWS AND VIEWS2) IUCN Report on Cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas3) U.S. Administration goes back to drawing board on offshore farms4) Rising temperatures, ocean acidity may stunt coral development5) The [...]

2006-11-01T08:29:00+00:00November 1st, 2006|News|Comments Off on [SEASPAN] UN Warns Ocean Dead Zones on the Rise
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