Marsh Madness: Quiz about Louisiana outdoors

Marsh Madness: Quiz about Louisiana outdoors By Bob MarshallMarch 22, 2009; The Times-Picayune So, you've finally found your way to the real March sports news. That's right, forget about that impostor dominating sports pages and ESPN 24/7. Forget teams with names such as Huskies, Devils and Tigers. The real spring battle is among the gaspergou [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:20+00:00March 26th, 2009|News|Comments Off on Marsh Madness: Quiz about Louisiana outdoors

Nitrogen Fertilizer: Agricultural Breakthrough–And Environmental Bane

Nitrogen Fertilizer: Agricultural Breakthrough--And Environmental Bane By Sarah SimpsonMarch 20, 2009; Scientific American A new report citing drawbacks of the corn ethanol craze casts a pall over the centennial of a Nobel Prize-winning discovery that transformed global food production   100 years of green: Has the discovery of nitrogen fertilizer been fruitful in the long [...]

2009-03-26T10:36:00+00:00March 26th, 2009|News|Comments Off on Nitrogen Fertilizer: Agricultural Breakthrough–And Environmental Bane

Top Paper in Environmental Science: Leaving a legacy of dead zones

Top Paper in Environmental Science: Leaving a legacy of dead zones By Erika EngelhauptMarch 10, 2009; Environmental Science and Technology Environmental News Copyright © 2009 American Chemical Society “Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia: Alternate States and a Legacy” by R. Eugene Turner and Dubravko Justic, Louisiana State University; and Nancy N. Rabalais, Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:20+00:00March 17th, 2009|News|Comments Off on Top Paper in Environmental Science: Leaving a legacy of dead zones

ES&Ts Best Papers of 2008

ES&Ts Best Papers of 2008 By Jerald L. SchnoorMarch 4, 2009; Environmental Science and Technology In 2008, ES&T published more than 1300 papers on a wide range of topics. But which papers were the top papers, the best of the year? This year, our associate editors nominated papers that they felt were of the highest [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:20+00:00March 17th, 2009|News|Comments Off on ES&Ts Best Papers of 2008
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