Text from Video

By Scott Smullen
Mon 27 Jul 2009 06:27 PM EDT, WVUE, Fox 8 News at 5, New Orleans, LA

Est. Audience: 58,365

Est. Publicity Value: $612 (30 sec)

the so-called "dead zone" in the gulf gets some high powered attention. from jane lubchenco– the new administator of the national oceanic and atmospheric administration. the noaa bos joined scientists in a teleconferenc e today– partly to say the problem is on the government’s radar screen. fertilizer runof in the misissipi river creates algae blooms. that sucks all the oxygen out of a large area of the gulf.. this year: an estimated thre thousand square miles. an agrement between the government and states back in 2001 set the goal of shrinking the dead zone by two-thirds. but scientists say the size of the zone in the average year shows virtually no progress.