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2006 Shelfwide Cruise: July 20 - July 28
The Issue. The scientific work for the commonly name 'Dead Zone' is hypoxia or low oxygen. The second largest zone of hypoxia in the world's coastal waters is found in the Gulf of Mexico adjacent to the Mississippi River system. Important commercial and recreational fisheries are impacted as reduced oxygen levels force fish, shrimp and crabs from the area. Animals that cannot move away die. Fresh water and nutrients from the Mississippi lead to the annual formation of the hypoxic waters, and increasing nutrient loads beginning in the 1950s are responsible for the worsening oxygen conditions since then.
Cruise Participants
- Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium
- Nancy Rabalais, Chief Scientist
- Nazan Atilla
- Brenda Leroux Babin
- Jenn Lasseigne
- Lora Pride
- Adam Sapp
- Louisiana State University
- Melissa Baustian
- Anindita Das
- Jim Lee
- Ron Stanford
- Harvard School of Public Health
- Laurel Schaider
- Dave Senn
- Centenary College
- Elizabeth Robinson