Researcher: Texas Dead zone shrinking

Researcher: Texas Dead zone shrinking By MICHAEL GRACZYK, Associated Press Writer 09 August, 2007; Associated Press HOUSTON - The first detected "dead zone" off Texas in the Gulf of Mexico, a 1,700-square-mile patch of oxygen-depleted water that could threaten sea life, is shrinking as fresh water pouring into gulf from the rain-swollen Brazos River subsides, [...]

2007-08-11T10:20:00+00:00August 11th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Researcher: Texas Dead zone shrinking


SURVEY CRUISE RECORDS THIRD-LARGEST "DEAD ZONE" SINCE 1985NOAA Magazine, August 1, 2007 AREA SIZE OF NEW JERSEY CLOSE TO NOAA-LSU PREDICTIONScientists from the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium, led by Nancy Rabalais, Ph.D., after completing a NOAA-sponsored survey cruise to measure the actual size of the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone have indicated an actual [...]

2007-08-10T12:12:00+00:00August 10th, 2007|News|Comments Off on SURVEY CRUISE RECORDS THIRD-LARGEST “DEAD ZONE” SINCE 1985

Gulf’s ‘dead zone’ off Texas Coast shrinking

Gulf's 'dead zone' off Texas Coast shrinking By MICHAEL GRACZYKAugust 9, 2007; Houston Chronicle The first detected "dead zone" off Texas in the Gulf of Mexico, a 1,700-square-mile patch of oxygen-depleted water that could threaten sea life, is shrinking as fresh water pouring into Gulf from the rain-swollen Brazos River subsides, a Texas A&M University [...]

2007-08-10T09:52:00+00:00August 10th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Gulf’s ‘dead zone’ off Texas Coast shrinking

Mapping the Gulf of Mexico’s growing dead zone

Mapping the Gulf of Mexico's growing dead zone By A Clear Voices for Science Podcast 2August 08, 2007The Gulf coast dead zone, or waters low in oxygen, reappears each year in the spring and summer off the coast of Texas and Louisiana. In July 2007 scientists measured the third biggest gulf dead zone ever recorded. [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00August 10th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Mapping the Gulf of Mexico’s growing dead zone

EDITORIAL: Dead zone needs to just die

EDITORIAL: Dead zone needs to just dieAugust 07. 2007; Houma Courier The issue: Dead zone.We suggest: Shrink the problem.For years now, scientists and others have known about the vast dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico.Although they could clearly see that little life could exist in the oxygen-depleted waters of the dead zone, they weren’t [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00August 9th, 2007|News|Comments Off on EDITORIAL: Dead zone needs to just die

Gulf dead zone big as New Jersey in 2007

Gulf dead zone big as New Jersey in 2007 By Program #5280 of the Earth & Sky Radio SeriesAugust, 2007In 2007, the “dead zone” in the Gulf of Mexico isn’t as large as predicted, but it’s still the third-largest dead zone ever mapped in the Gulf. It’s an area about as big as the state of [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00August 8th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Gulf dead zone big as New Jersey in 2007

In its sixth year, Pacific dead zone closer to surf

In its sixth year, Pacific dead zone closer to surf By Program #5281 of the Earth & Sky Radio SeriesAugust 2007For the sixth year in a row, scientists have found oxygen-starved water off the coast of Oregon. The large pool – not far beyond Oregon’s coast – is commonly known as a ”dead zone.” It [...]

2007-08-08T09:00:00+00:00August 8th, 2007|News|Comments Off on In its sixth year, Pacific dead zone closer to surf

Dead zone impacts marine life now, possibly fishermen later

Dead zone impacts marine life now, possibly fishermen later By NIKKI BUSKEY August 06. 2007; Houma Daily Courier HOUMA -- The dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico is good for shrimpers now, because they are scooping up shrimp fleeing the oxygen-depleted water in droves.But experts say that over time the dead zone could result [...]

2007-08-06T12:48:00+00:00August 6th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Dead zone impacts marine life now, possibly fishermen later

EDITORIAL: It’s not just our dead zone

EDITORIAL: It's not just our dead zoneAugust 04, 2007; TIMES PICAYUNE Nearly two-thirds of the coastal United States is threatened by the same low-oxygen conditions that occur off Louisiana's shore every summer and form the Gulf of Mexico dead zone. That's the conclusion of a new National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration report, and those findings [...]

2007-08-05T09:20:00+00:00August 5th, 2007|News|Comments Off on EDITORIAL: It’s not just our dead zone

Gulf of Mexico plagued by record “dead zones”

Gulf of Mexico plagued by record "dead zones" By Jeff FranksAugust 3, 2007; HOUSTON (Reuters) - Researchers have found 9,650 square miles of "dead zones," or oxygen-depleted water, in the Gulf of Mexico this summer, the biggest area since tracking of the annual phenomenon began. They say humans are mostly to blame for the [...]

2007-08-04T12:42:00+00:00August 4th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Gulf of Mexico plagued by record “dead zones”
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