Dead zone threatens fisheries

Dead zone threatens fisheries By Amy Wold, Advocate Staff WriterSep 10, 2007, The Baton Rouge ADVOCATE GRAND ISLE — The “dead zone” area of low oxygen in the Gulf of Mexico hurts fish, shrimp and all kind of other organisms. This year, it’s directly hurting fishermen, said Dean Blanchard, owner of Dean Blanchard Seafood Inc., [...]

2007-09-13T10:28:00+00:00September 13th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Dead zone threatens fisheries

Group targets Gulf dead zone

Group targets Gulf dead zone By Amy Wold, Advocate staff writerSep 5, 2007, The Baton Rouge ADVOCATE When liquefied natural gas companies wanted to use water from the Gulf of Mexico in their processing, people got concerned enough about the possible environmental damages that they got organized. This “Gumbo Alliance” included environmental groups, the fishing [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00September 10th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Group targets Gulf dead zone

Dead zone in Gulf of Mexico continues to increase

Dead zone in Gulf of Mexico continues to increase By Nanci Velez9/4/2007; The Daily Reveille (LSU, Online Edition) The dead zone off the coast of Louisiana has grown to its largest size at 20,500 square kilometers, according to a July 2007 report by Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium. Dead zones are places in aquatic environments that [...]

2007-09-05T08:02:00+00:00September 5th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Dead zone in Gulf of Mexico continues to increase

Scientists Detect Dead Zone Off Oregon Coast for Sixth Straight Year (

Scientists Detect Dead Zone Off Oregon Coast for Sixth Straight Year ( By Coastal Post OnlineSeptember, 2007  For the full story, please go to: OSU researchers say the region has not yet fully recovered from last year's historic hypoxia. (NEWPORT, Ore. ) - A team of Oregon State University scientists monitoring near-shore ocean conditions [...]

2007-08-31T13:39:00+00:00August 31st, 2007|News|Comments Off on Scientists Detect Dead Zone Off Oregon Coast for Sixth Straight Year (

Into the Deep Blue

Into the Deep Blue By Ali Kriscenski August 23rd, 2007, Daily Tomorrow blogs I watched two great ocean documentaries this week: The Deep from BBC’s The Blue Planet series and another about the migration of a sea turtle from it’s birth place in Japan across the Pacific and back - didn’t catch the English [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00August 27th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Into the Deep Blue

More ethanol, more corn, more nitrogen – and bigger dead zone in the gulf

More ethanol, more corn, more nitrogen - and bigger dead zone in the gulf By DENNIS KEENEY 08/13/2007; Press This summer, the USDA announced that U.S. farmers have planted a post-World War II record amount of land with corn to meet the growing demand driven largely by increased ethanol production. A few weeks later, [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00August 16th, 2007|News|Comments Off on More ethanol, more corn, more nitrogen – and bigger dead zone in the gulf

King Corn — Our most heavily subsidized support

King Corn --- Our most heavily subsidized support By Rich Lowry11 August 2007; Baton Rouge ADVOCATE Republican presidential candidates flocked to Ames, Iowa, for the Iowa straw poll this weekend, an event that is both an early winnowing process for the GOP presidential field and an object lesson in how one state can hijack the [...]

2007-08-15T10:23:00+00:00August 15th, 2007|News|Comments Off on King Corn — Our most heavily subsidized support

The Dead Zone Strikes Again

The Dead Zone Strikes AgainWave Maker's News, July 2007; Gulf Restoration NetworkFor the full story, please go to:/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/WaveMakersDZ.pdf

2007-08-14T12:32:00+00:00August 14th, 2007|News|Comments Off on The Dead Zone Strikes Again

Grand Isle Dead Zone Conference: A Call to Fishermen and Concerned Citizens

Grand Isle Dead Zone Conference: A Call to Fishermen and Concerned CitizensAugust 11, 2007The Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico is growing! This year, it is expected to be larger than in any year since its discovery. Are you concerned? Well, this is your call to action! Join your coastal neighbors by participating in [...]

2007-08-12T23:26:00+00:00August 12th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Grand Isle Dead Zone Conference: A Call to Fishermen and Concerned Citizens

Grand Isle will host dead-zone conference

Grand Isle will host dead-zone conference By NIKKI BUSKEY August 10. 2007; Houma Daily Courier HOUMA -- Contrary to the term "dead zone," Grand Isle, which rests near the oxygen-depleted water’s edge, has been experiencing a bounty of shrimp, crabs and fish crowding into the island’s fishing grounds.Called a "jubilee" -- for the emotions many [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00August 12th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Grand Isle will host dead-zone conference
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