The Gulf of Mexico’s Dead Zone: Mess, Problem, or Puzzle?

The Gulf of Mexico's Dead Zone: Mess, Problem, or Puzzle? By RFF Weekly Policy Commentary; Series Editor Ian ParryRFF Weekly Policy Commentary; October 1, 2007 Welcome to the RFF Weekly Policy Commentary, which is meant to provide an easy way to learn about important policy issues related to environmental, energy, urban, and public health problems.This [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00October 5th, 2007|News|Comments Off on The Gulf of Mexico’s Dead Zone: Mess, Problem, or Puzzle?

Biofuels, Food, or Wildlife? The Massive Land Costs of U.S. Ethanol

Biofuels, Food, or Wildlife? The Massive Land Costs of U.S. Ethanol By Dennis AverySeptember 21, 2006; Competitive Enterprise Institute,05532.cfmThe high price of fossil fuels, environmental concerns, and geopolitical instability in some major oil-producing nations have spurred intense interest in the United States in alternative fuels, especially from renewable energy sources.  While popular with environmental activists, [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00September 24th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Biofuels, Food, or Wildlife? The Massive Land Costs of U.S. Ethanol

Corn-Based Ethanol

Corn-Based Ethanol By Fran SmithJune 14, 2007; Competitive Enterprise Institute,05976.cfm A Case Study in the Law of Unintended Consequences A boom in ethanol production is taking place today for variety of reasons.  Undoubtedly, the most significant factor is government support and subsidies for biofuel production.  The rationale for subsiding biofuels arises from a convergence of [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00September 21st, 2007|News|Comments Off on Corn-Based Ethanol

Ethanol is a Budget Buster

Ethanol is a Budget Buster By William YeatmanJuly 31, 2007, Competitive Enterprise Institute,06075.cfm Increased Mandate and Subsidies Would Raise Food Prices and Strain Federal Budget News story after news story highlights the impact of ethanol mandates on food prices in grocery stores across America. The story line is familiar. Ethanol is made from corn, and [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00September 20th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Ethanol is a Budget Buster

What the Gulfs low-oxygen dead zone means for you

What the Gulfs low-oxygen dead zone means for you By Robert MorrisSeptember 17, 2007, Daily Comet, Thibodaux OF MEXICO -- The sun glinting off the wave swells was like a false promise, a trick of light that inspired fantasies of mighty fish and schools of shrimp below.Instead, the divers said as they surfaced, all they [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00September 20th, 2007|News|Comments Off on What the Gulfs low-oxygen dead zone means for you

Increased ethanol interest fuels risk of Gulf dead zone spreading

Increased ethanol interest fuels risk of Gulf dead zone spreading By Emilie BahrSeptember 17, 2007; New Orleans City Business U.S. farmers planted the largest corn crop since 1944 this year after growing demand for corn-based ethanol helped propel corn prices to their highest level in more than a decade. But the expansion of corn production [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00September 20th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Increased ethanol interest fuels risk of Gulf dead zone spreading

SERIES OF ARTICLES FROM ABOARD THE PELICAN: Everything you wanted to know about the dead zone, but were afraid to ask

SERIES OF ARTICLES FROM ABOARD THE PELICAN: Everything you wanted to know about the dead zone, but were afraid to ask By Robert Morris;September 10 - 12, 2007; The Courier, HoumaCourier senior staff writer Robert Morris will be traveling into the Gulf this week with a team of scientists from LUMCON, the Louisiana Universities Marine [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00September 13th, 2007|News|Comments Off on SERIES OF ARTICLES FROM ABOARD THE PELICAN: Everything you wanted to know about the dead zone, but were afraid to ask

Rest of nation shouldnt be ‘zoned out

Rest of nation shouldnt be 'zoned out By EditorialSeptember 12, 2007; The Courier, Houma The issue: Dead zone.We suggest: No surprises.Shrimpers and crabbers in our area have really begun to feel the effects of the vast dead zone that annually plagues the Gulf of Mexico.Each year, spawned by sewage and farm runoff from the length [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00September 13th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Rest of nation shouldnt be ‘zoned out

Dead zone affects us

Dead zone affects usSeptember 12, 2007; Daily Comet, Thibodaux Shrimpers and crabbers in our area have really begun to feel the effects of the vast dead zone that annually plagues the Gulf of Mexico.Each year, spawned by sewage and farm runoff from the length of the Mississippi River, the dead zone grows in the Gulf.The [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:28+00:00September 13th, 2007|News|Comments Off on Dead zone affects us
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