Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort languishes

Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort languishes By David A. FahrentholdDecember 27, 2008; The Washington Post After 25 years and almost $6 billion spent, government misses deadlines Despite 25 years and almost $6 billion, the government campaign to clean up the Chesapeake Bay has failed to meet its deadlines. A tour of the Chesapeake and its [...]

2008-12-29T10:40:00+00:00December 29th, 2008|News|Comments Off on Chesapeake Bay cleanup effort languishes

EDITORIAL: A scientist in charge

EDITORIAL: A scientist in charge By The Times-PicayuneDecember 26, 2008 President-elect Barack Obama has made several high-level appointments that could impact our region -- including naming New Orleans native Lisa Jackson to head the Environmental Protection Agency. But Ms. Jackson won't be the only official in the incoming administration with a strong knowledge of [...]

2008-12-27T13:17:00+00:00December 27th, 2008|News|Comments Off on EDITORIAL: A scientist in charge

EDITORIAL: A strategy for the dead zone

EDITORIAL: A strategy for the dead zone By The Times-PicayuneDecember 26, 2008 Little progress has been made in curbing nutrient pollution that causes the Gulf of Mexico dead zone, and a National Research Council report blames a lack of coordination among federal agencies and states. The criticism is on target. No single agency is [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:22+00:00December 27th, 2008|News|Comments Off on EDITORIAL: A strategy for the dead zone

Report sounds alarm on Gulf of Mexico dead zone

Report sounds alarm on Gulf of Mexico dead zone By Chris KirkhamDecember 22, 2008; The Times-Picayune After years of piecemeal efforts to reduce Mississippi River pollution that leads to the Gulf of Mexico's annual "dead zone" disturbance, the Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Agriculture Department need to take quick action in pinpointing and reducing [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:22+00:00December 23rd, 2008|News|Comments Off on Report sounds alarm on Gulf of Mexico dead zone

Again, it’s time to kill the dead zone

Again, it's time to kill the dead zone By Houma Courier, OpinionDecember 15, 2008 In June, we urged federal environmental agencies to take immediate action to stop the pollution that travels down the Mississippi River into the Gulf of Mexico, depriving thousands of miles of water along Louisiana’s coast of the oxygen needed to support [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:22+00:00December 18th, 2008|News|Comments Off on Again, it’s time to kill the dead zone

New Initiative Focuses on Water Quality Improvement in the Mississippi River Basin and Gulf of Mexico

New Initiative Focuses on Water Quality Improvement in the Mississippi River Basin and Gulf of MexicoDecember 8, 2008; St. Louis; PRNewswire-FirstCall - Monsanto Company launches new effort to help reduce nutrients and sediments in agricultural runoff by partnering with The Nature Conservancy, Iowa Soybean Association, Delta Wildlife and The National Audubon Society on conservation projects [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:22+00:00December 12th, 2008|News|Comments Off on New Initiative Focuses on Water Quality Improvement in the Mississippi River Basin and Gulf of Mexico

Monsanto gift to finance farm river pollution study

Monsanto gift to finance farm river pollution study By Philip BrasherDecember 9, 2008; Des Moines Register Washington, D.C. - Monsanto Co. is giving about $5 million to the Iowa Soybean Association and several conservation groups to study methods of preventing farm runoff from polluting the Mississippi River.Some of the work will target the watersheds of [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:22+00:00December 12th, 2008|News|Comments Off on Monsanto gift to finance farm river pollution study

Inside The World’s Superdumps

Inside The World's Superdumps By William Pentland12-02-2008, Forbes.com From toxic trash in China to mountain-sized landfills in Michigan, the world is awash in waste.   And this is the magazine that wrote Nancy Rabalais and Gene Turner up for being the “darlings of the environmental community” for their Blasker award in 1991. Waste Management [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:22+00:00December 8th, 2008|News|Comments Off on Inside The World’s Superdumps

Marine dead zones set to expand rapidly

Marine dead zones set to expand rapidly By Quirin; 14 November 2008 Rising levels of carbon dioxide could increase the volume of oxygen-depleted 'dead zones' in tropical oceans by as much as 50% before the end of the century — with dire consequences for the health of ecosystems in some of the world's most [...]

2008-11-17T12:27:00+00:00November 17th, 2008|News|Comments Off on Marine dead zones set to expand rapidly

Last chance for the oceans?

Last chance for the oceans? By John VidalThe Guardian Weekly; November 12th, 2008Marine protection zones may be the only answer as climate change and factory fishing turn the world's seas into dead zones. It was summer 2002 when fishermen between the towns of Florence and Lincoln on the north-west Pacific coast of the US began [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:22+00:00November 13th, 2008|News|Comments Off on Last chance for the oceans?
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