Dead Zone in Gulf due to BP oil spill, say experts

Dead Zone in Gulf due to BP oil spill, say experts2010-07-12The dead zone that has been persisting in the Gulf for over a month now, is most likely due to the BP oil spill, say experts. Oil spills can deplete oxygen in water by providing a source of food to microbes that grow on oil [...]

2010-07-19T10:23:00+00:00July 19th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Dead Zone in Gulf due to BP oil spill, say experts

Gulf Oil Spill Gulf Dead Zone Double Environmental Disaster?

Gulf Oil Spill Gulf Dead Zone Double Environmental Disaster? By Erna Buffie Jun 4, 2010A dangerous and unplanned scientific experiment is underway in the Gulf, thanks to the combined impact of a massive oil spill and a seasonal dead zone The gulf oil spill is impacting an ocean ecosystem already under severe stress due to [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:13+00:00July 19th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Gulf Oil Spill Gulf Dead Zone Double Environmental Disaster?

Gulf Oil Spill – Size of Spill Not the Only Environmental Threat

Gulf Oil Spill - Size of Spill Not the Only Environmental Threat By Erna Buffie Jun 14, 2010Scientists say that new estimates on the size of the Gulf oil spill could quadruple its environmental impact, but size may not be the biggest threat. So much of what is happening in the Gulf is hidden, both [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:13+00:00July 19th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Gulf Oil Spill – Size of Spill Not the Only Environmental Threat

Missouri Corn Stalk Testing Benefits the ‘Dead Zone’ in Gulf

Missouri Corn Stalk Testing Benefits the 'Dead Zone' in Gulf By Public News Service - MOJuly 8, 2010DEXTER, MO. - Missouri FFA students will soon be in the field with farmers to learn how cutting-edge science on the farm could help the Gulf of Mexico. The program involves testing corn stalks for nitrogen, allowing farmers [...]

2010-07-19T10:17:00+00:00July 19th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Missouri Corn Stalk Testing Benefits the ‘Dead Zone’ in Gulf

Oil And Dead Zone Threaten Gulf Mexico

Oil And Dead Zone Threaten Gulf Mexico By PRLog (Press Release)Jul 13, 2010 The Gulf of Mexico is under a double threat. The BP oil spill, as well as the infamous ‘dead zone’, created from nitrogen, which is used to fertilize corn. Leaching into the Mississippi River, it flows out into the Gulf. Up to [...]

2010-07-19T10:14:00+00:00July 19th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Oil And Dead Zone Threaten Gulf Mexico

Dead Zone in Gulf Linked to Oil

Dead Zone in Gulf Linked to Oil By Jessica MarshallFri Jul 9, 2010 08:21 AM ET, DISCOVERY NEWS  THE GIST A zone of low oxygen has persisted for more than a month off the coast of Alabama. Wildlife that can move has left. Plankton in the low-oxygen zones has died. The long-term effects are uncertain. [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:13+00:00July 12th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Dead Zone in Gulf Linked to Oil

Video: Low-oxygen dead zone found on seafloor off Alabama coast

Video: Low-oxygen dead zone found on seafloor off Alabama coast By Ben Raines, Press-Register Sunday, July 04, 2010, 5:00 AM  Recent testing by the Press-Register indicates that a low-oxygen dead zone is hugging the seafloor in places along the Alabama coast, with levels far below the threshold required to support life. The newspaper sampled oxygen [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:13+00:00July 6th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Video: Low-oxygen dead zone found on seafloor off Alabama coast

Gulf Coast Dead Zone Set to Grow

Gulf Coast Dead Zone Set to Grow By David Biello reports (with narration by Christie Nicholson), SCIENTIFIC AMERICANJuly 4, 2010There's a dead zone forming in the Gulf of Mexico, and I'm not talking about the ongoing oil gushing from BP's well. No, it's the annual dead zone that forms thanks to all the fertilizers washing [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:13+00:00July 6th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Gulf Coast Dead Zone Set to Grow

Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Jealous of Gulf Of Mexico Oil Blowout Publicity

Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Jealous of Gulf Of Mexico Oil Blowout Publicity By John DeCock, President, Clean Water Action July 2, 2010 05:50 PM  COMMENTARY In an interview this morning with Clean Water Action, the Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone complained that the Gulf Of Mexico BP Oil Blowout is overshadowing his many years [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:13+00:00July 6th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Gulf of Mexico Dead Zone Jealous of Gulf Of Mexico Oil Blowout Publicity

Dead zone in gulf linked to ethanol production

Dead zone in gulf linked to ethanol production By Carolyn Lochhead, Chronicle Washington Bureau, SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLETuesday, July 6, 2010 (07-06) 04:00 PDT Washington - -- While the BP oil spill has been labeled the worst environmental catastrophe in recent U.S. history, a biofuel is contributing to a Gulf of Mexico "dead zone" the size of [...]

2017-01-17T09:22:13+00:00July 6th, 2010|News|Comments Off on Dead zone in gulf linked to ethanol production
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