Peer Reviewed Papers


  • Turner, R.E. 2024. Water quality at the end of the Mississippi River for 120 years: the agricultural imperative. Hydrobiologia 851: 1219-1939,
  • Jiang, Z.‐P., Qin, C., Pan, Y., Le, C., Rabalais, N., Turner, R. E., Fennel, K., Wang, K., and Cai, W.-J. 2024. Multi‐decadal coastal acidification in the northern Gulf of Mexico driven by climate change and eutrophication. Geophysical Research Letters 51: e2023GL106300.
  • Kathryn L Howe, Kiley W Seitz, Lauren G Campbell, Brett J Baker, J Cameron Thrash, Nancy N Rabalais, Mary-Kate Rogener, Samantha B Joye, Olivia U Mason. 2023. Metagenomics and metatranscriptomics reveal broadly distributed, active, novel methanotrophs in the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone and in the marine water column. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 99(2), fiac153.
  • Quiñones‐Rivera, Z. J., Wissel, B., Turner, R. E., Rabalais, N. N., Justić, D., Finlay, K. P., & Milan, C. S. 2022. Divergent effects of biological and physical processes on dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics on a eutrophied and hypoxic continental shelf. Limnology and Oceanography67(11), 2603-2616.
  • Emily Osborne, Xinping Hu, Emily R Hall, Kimberly Yates, Jennifer Vreeland-Dawson, Katie Shamberger, Leticia Barbero, J Martin Hernandez-Ayon, Fabian A Gomez, Tacey Hicks, Yuan-Yuan Xu, Melissa R McCutcheon, Michael Acquafredda, Cecilia Chapa-Balcorta, Orion Norzagaray, Denis Pierrot, Alain Munoz-Caravaca, Kerri L Dobson, Nancy Williams, Nancy Rabalais, Padmanava Dash. 2022. Ocean acidification in the Gulf of Mexico: Drivers, impacts, and unknowns. Progress in Oceanography, 102882.
  • Scott Zengel, Jennifer Weaver, Irving A Mendelssohn, Sean A Graham, Qianxin Lin, Mark W Hester, Jonathan M Willis, Brian R Silliman, John W Fleeger, Giovanna McClenachan, Nancy N Rabalais, R Eugene Turner, A Randall Hughes, Just Cebrian, Donald R Deis, Nicolle Rutherford, Brian J Roberts. 2022. Ocean acidification in the Gulf of Mexico: Drivers, impacts, and unknowns. Progress in Oceanography, 102882.
  • Zengel, Scott; Weaver, Jennifer; Mendelssohn, Irving; Graham, Sean; Lin, Qianxin; Hester, Mark; Willis, Jonathan; Silliman, Brian; Fleeger, John; McClenachan, Giovanna; Rabalais, Nancy; Turner, R. Eugene; Hughes, Randall; Cebrian, Just; Deis, Donald; Rutherford, Nicolle; Roberts, Brian. 2022. Meta-analysis of salt marsh vegetation impacts and recovery, synthesis following the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Ecological Applications 32(1):e02489.
  • Keppeler, F.W., J.A. Olin, P.C. López-Duarte, M.J. Polito, L.M. Hooper-Bùi, S.S. Taylor, N.N. Rabalais, F.J. Fodrie, B.J. Roberts, R.E Turner, C.W. Martin, and O.P. Jensen. 2021. Body size, trophic position, and the coupling of different energy pathways across a saltmarsh landscape. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 6(6): 360-368.
  • Rabalais, N.N. 2021. Elevating dissolved oxygen—Reflections on developing and using long-term data. Perspective Series. Gulf and Caribbean Science 32(1): xv-xxviv. doi:10.18785/gcr.3201.09
  • Parsons, M.P., A.L. Brandt, N.N. Rabalais, W. Morrison, R.E. Turner and Q. Dortch. 2021. Characterization of common phytoplankton in Louisiana coastal waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin 168: 112458.
  • Rogener*, M.K., K.S. Hunter, N.N. Rabalais, B.J. Roberts, A. Bracco, F.J. Stewart and S. Joye. 2021. Denitrification and methane oxidation in oxygen-depleted waters of the Louisiana shelf, Biogeosciences [35th Anniversary special issue] doi: 10.1007/s10533-021-00778-8(0Frontiers in Marine Science 8:604330.
  • Wang, H., J. Lehrter, K. Maiti, K. Fennel, A. Laurent, N. Rabalais, N. Hussain, Q. Li, K M. Scaboo and W.-J. Cai. 2020. Benthic respiration in hypoxic waters enhances bottom water acidification in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 125, e2020JC016152
  • Ren, L., N.N. Rabalais, and R.E. Turner. 2020. Effects of Mississippi River water on phytoplankton growth and composition in the upper Barataria Estuary, Louisiana. Hydrobiologia 847: 1831–1850.
  • Rabalais, N.N. and M.M. Baustian. 2020. Historical shifts in benthic infaunal diversity in the northern Gulf of Mexico since the appearance of seasonally severe hypoxia. Diversity 12, 49, 8 pp. doi:10.3390/d12020049
  • Rabalais, N.N.  2019. Ocean Deoxygenation from Eutrophication (Human Nutrient Inputs). Pp. 133-151 in D. Laffoley and J.M. Baxter eds., Ocean deoxygenation: everyone’s problem: Causes, impacts, consequences and solutions. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Rabalais, N.N. 2019. Estuarine and coastal benthos. Pp. 399-419 in D. Laffoley and J.M. Baxter eds., Ocean deoxygenation: everyone’s problem: Causes, impacts, consequences and solutions. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Yasuhara, M., N.N. Rabalais, D.J. Conley, D. Gutiérrez Aguilar. 2019. Paleo-records of histories of deoxygenation and its ecosystem impact. Pp. 229-240 in D. Laffoley and J.M. Baxter eds., Ocean deoxygenation: everyone’s problem: Causes, impacts, consequences and solutions. International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, IUCN Global Marine and Polar Programme, Gland, Switzerland.
  • Rabalais, N.N., and R.E. Turner. 2019. Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia: Past, Present, and Future. Limnology and Oceanography: Bulletin 28: on-line doi:10.1002/lob.10351
  • Ballard, T.C., McIsaac, G.F., Rabalais, N.N., Turner, R.E., Michalak, A.N. 2019. Comment on “Legacy nitrogen may prevent achievement of water quality goals in the Gulf of Mexico.” Science 365, eaau8401. doi:10.1126/science.aau8401
  • Turner, R.E., N.N. Rabalais, E.B. Overton, B.M. Meyer, G. McClenachan, E.M. Swenson, M. Besonen, M. L. Parsons, J. Zingre. 2019. Oiling of the continental shelf and coastal marshes over eight years after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Environmental Pollution 252:1367-1376
  • Robinson, E.M. and N.N. Rabalais. 2019. The effects of oil on blue crab and periwinkle snail interactions: A mesocosm study. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 517: 34–39.
  • Matli, Venkata; Fang, Shiqi; Guinness, Joseph; Rabalais, Nancy; Craig, J.; Obenour, Daniel R. (on-line, 9/2018) A space-time geostatistical assessment of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Environmental Science & Technology. es-2018-03474t
  • Wang, H., X. Hu,N. N. Rabalais, J. Brands. (2018) Drivers of oxygen consumption in the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic waters – A stable carbon isotope perspective. Geophysical Research Letters, 45, 10,528–10,538.
  • Baustian, M.M., S. Bargu, W. Morrison, C. Sexton, and N.N. Rabalais (2018) The polychaete, Paraprionospio pinnata, is a likely vector of domoic acid to the benthic food web in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Harmful Algae 79:44-49.
  • Price, A., Baustian, Melissa M., R. Eugene Turner, Nancy N. Rabalais, and Gail L. Chmura. 2018. Dinoflagellate cysts track eutrophication in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts 41:1322–1336.
  • Rabalais, N. N., L. M. Smith and R. E. Turner. 2018. The Deepwater Horizon oil spill and Gulf of Mexico shelf hypoxia. Continental Shelf Research 152, 98-107.
  • Breitburg, Denise, Lisa A. Levin, Andreas Oschlies, Marilaure Grégoire, Francisco P. Chavez, Daniel J. Conley, Véronique Garçon, Denis Gilbert, Dimitri Gutiérrez, Kirsten Isensee, Gil S. Jacinto, Karin E. Limburg, Ivonne Montes, S.W.A. Naqvi, Grant C. Pitcher, Nancy N. Rabalais, Michael R. Roman, Kenneth A. Rose, Brad A. Seibel, Maciej Telszewski, Moriaki Yasuhara, Jing Zhang. 2018. Ocean deoxygenation – Causes and consequences in a changing world. Science 359, eaam7240
  • Turner, R.E., N.N. Rabalais, D. Justić. 2017. Summer bottom-water temperature trends northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf, 1985 to 2015. PLOS ONE
  • Álvarez-Torres, P., N. Rabalais, J.M. Piña Gutièrrez, R.M. Padrón López. (accepted 4/17) Research and the community of practice in the Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosysem. Environmental Development.
  • Hu, Xinping, Qian Li, Wei-Jen Huang, Baoshan Chen, Wei-Jun Cai, Nancy Rabalais, Eugene Turner (accepted 4/17) Eutrophication, storms and benthic respiration—a case study on carbonate chemistry in a traditional hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Chemistry.
  • Bargu, Sibel, Melissa M. Baustian, Nancy N. Rabalais, Ross Del Rio, Benjamin Von Korff, R. Eugene Turner. 2016. Influence of the Mississippi River on Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundance and toxicity in Louisiana coastal waters. Estuaries and Coasts 39: 1345-1356, doi:10.1007%2Fs12237-016-0088-y.
  • Hu, X., W.-J. Cai, N. N. Rabalais, and J. Xue. 2016. Coupled oxygen and dissolved inorganic carbon dynamics in coastal ocean and its use as a potential indicator for detecting water column oil degradation. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 129: 311-318.
  • Fry, Brian, D. Justić, P. Riekenberg, E. Swenson, E. Turner, L. Wang, L. Pride, N. Rabalais, J. Kurtz, J. Lehrter, M. Murrell, E. Shadwick and B. Boyd. 2015. Carbon dynamics on the Louisiana continental shelf and cross-shelf feeding of hypoxia. Estuaries and Coasts 38:703-721. DOI: 10.1007/s12237-0
  • Gillies, L. E., J. C. Thrash, S. de Radas, N. N. Rabalais and O. U. Mason. 2015. Archaeal enrichment in the hypoxic zone in the northern Gulf of Mexico, Environmental Microbiology and Environmental Microbiology Reports doi:10.1111/1462-2920.12853
  • Liu, B., L. A. Shaider, R. P. Mason, J. P. Shine, N. N. Rabalais, and D. B. Senn. 2015. Controls on methylmercury accumulation in northern Gulf of Mexico sediments. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 159: 50-59.
  • Parsons, M., W. Morrison, N. N. Rabalais, R. E. Turner. 2015. Phytoplankton and the Macondo oil spill: A comparison of the 2010 phytoplankton assemblage to baseline conditions on the Louisiana Shelf. Environmental Pollution 207:152-160.
  • Rabalais, N.N. 2015. Commentary: Human impacts on fisheries across the land-sea interface. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA
  • Rabotyagov SS, Campbell TD, White M, Arnold J, Atwood J, Norfleet J, Kling CL, Gassman PW, Valcu A, Richardson J, Turner RE, Rabalais NN. 2015. Cost-effective targeting of conservation investments to reduce the northern Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 111(52), 18530-18535 doi: 10.1073/pnas.1405837111.
  • Kling, C.L., Y. Panagopoulos, S. Rabotyagov, A. Valcu, P. W. Gassman, T. Campbell, M. White, J. G. Arnold, R. Srinivasan, M. K. Jha, J. Richardson, L. M. Moskal, G. Turner, and N. Rabalais. 2014. LUMINATE: Linking agricultural land use, local water quality and Gulf of Mexico hypoxia. European Review
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2014. Viewpoint: Assessing early looks at biological responses to the Macondo event, BioScience 69: 757-759. DOI 10.1093/biosci/biu132
  • Rabalais, N.N., Cai, W.-J., J. Carstensen, D.J. Conley, B. Fry, X. Quiñones-Rivera, R. Rosenberg, C.P. Slomp, R.E. Turner, M. Voss, B. Wissel, and J. Zhang. 2014. Eutrophication-driven deoxygenation in the coastal ocean. Oceanography, 70: 123-133.
  • Rabotyagov, S. S., C. L. Kling, P. W. Gassman, N. N. Rabalais, and R. E. Turner. 2014. The economics of dead zones: Causes, impacts, policy challenges and a statistical model of the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 8(1): 58-79. doi: 10.1093/reep/ret024
  • Obenour, D. R., D. Scavia, N. N. Rabalais, R. E. Turner and A. M. Michalak. 2013. A retrospective analysis of mid-summer hypoxic area and volume in the northern Gulf of Mexico, 1985-2011. Environmental Science and Technology 47:9808-9815.
  • Ruckelshaus, Mary, S.C. Doney; H.M. Galindo; J.P. Barry; F. Chan; J.E. Duffy; C.A. English; S.D. Gaines; J.M. Grebmeier; A.B. Hollowed; N. Knowlton; J. Polovina; N.N. Rabalais; W.J. Sydeman; L.D. Talley. 2013. Securing ocean benefits for society in the face of climate change. Marine Policy 40: 154–159
  • Turner, R. E. and N. N. Rabalais. 2013. N and P phytoplankton growth limitation, northern Gulf of Mexico. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 68: 159–169. doi: 10.3354/ame01607
  • Doney, S. C., M. Ruckelshaus, J. E. Duffy, J. P. Barry, F. Chan, C. A. English, H. M. Galindo, J. M. Grebmeier, A. B. Hollowed, N. Knowlton, J. Polovina, N. N. Rabalais, W. J. Sydeman and L. D. Talley. 2012. Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems. Annual Review of Marine Science 4: 11-37. doi
  • Fulweiler, R. W., A. S. Heiskanen, and N. N. Rabalais. 2012. Viewpoint. The eutrophication commandments. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64: 1997–1999.
  • Turner, R. E., C. Kling, and N. N. Rabalais. 2012. Lifeless liquid. Commentary. International Innovation October 2012: 65-66.
  • Turner, R. E., N. N. Rabalais and D. Justić. 2012. Predicting summer hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Redux. Marine Pollution Bulletin 64:319-324. DOI:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2011.11.08.
  • Baustian, M. M., N. N. Rabalais, W. L. Morrison and R. E. Turner. 2011. Seasonal microphytobenthos on the hypoxic northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf. Marine Ecology Progress Series 436: 51-66, doi: 10.3354/meps09262.
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2011. Troubled waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Twelfth Annual Roger Revelle Commemorative Lecture. Oceanography 24(2): 98-109. DOI: 10.5670/oceanog.2011.44.
  • Gilbert, D., N. N. Rabalais, R. J. Diaz and J. Zhang. 2010. Evidence for greater oxygen decline rates in the coastal ocean than in the open ocean. Biogeosciences 7: 2283–2296.
  • Grippo, M., J. W. Fleeger, N. N. Rabalais, R. Condrey and K. R. Carman. 2010. Contribution of phytoplankton and benthic microalgae to inner shelf sediments of the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Continental Shelf Research 30: 456-466.
  • Jordan, T. E., O. E. Sala, S. G. Stafford, J. L. Bubier, J. C. Crittenden, S. L. Cutter, A. C. Kay, G. D. Libecap, J. C. Moore, N. N. Rabalais, J. M. Sheperd and J. Travis. 2010. Forum. Recommendations for interdisciplinary study of tipping points in natural and social systems. Eos, Transactions of American Geophysical Union
  • Quiñones-Rivera, Z. J., B. Wissel, N. N. Rabalais and D. Justić. 2010. Effects of biological and physical factors on seasonal oxygen dynamics in a stratified, eutrophic coastal ecosystem. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 289–304.
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2010. Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium: Relatively new kid on the block. Special Issue, A Retrospective of Marine Laboratories around the Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Science 28: 102-108.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. J. Díaz, L. A. Levin, R. E. Turner, D. Gilbert and J. Zhang. 2010. Dynamics and distribution of natural and human-caused coastal hypoxia. Biogeosciences 7:585-619.
  • Stafford, S. G., D. M. Bartels, S. Begay-Campbell, J. L. Bubier, J. C. Crittenden, S. L. Cutter, J. R. Delaney, T. E. Jordan, A. C. Kay, G. D. Libecap, J. C. Moore, N. N. Rabalais, D. Rejeski, O. E. Sala, J. M. Shepherd, and J. Travis. 2010. Now is the time for action: Transitions and tipping points in complex environmental systems. Environment 52(1): 39-45.
  • Zhang, J., D. Gilbert, A. J. Gooday, L. Levin, S. W. A. Naqvi, J. J. Middelburg, M. Scranton, W. Ekau, A. Peña, B. Dewitte, T. Oguz, P. M. S. Monteiro, E. Urban, N. N. Rabalais, V. Ittekot, W. M. Kemp, O. Ulloa, R. Elmgren, E. Escobar-Briones, and A. K. Van der Plas. 2010. Natural and human-induced


  • Baustian, M. M. and N. N. Rabalais. 2009. Seasonal composition of benthic macroinfauna exposed to hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts 32(5): 975-983.
  • Baustian, M.M., Craig, J.K. and N. N. Rabalais. 2009. Effects of summer 2003 hypoxia on macrobenthos and Atlantic croaker foraging selectivity in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 381: S31-S37.
  • Boesch, D. F., W. R. Boynton, L. B. Crowder, R. J. Diaz, R. W. Howarth, L. D. Mee, S. W. Nixon, N. N. Rabalais, R. Rosenberg, J. G. Sanders, D. Scavia and R. E. Turner. 2009. Nutrient enrichment drives Gulf of Mexico hypoxia. Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 90(14):117-118.
  • Conley, D. J., E. Bonsdorff, J. Carstensen, G. Destouni, B. G. Gustafsson, L.-A. Hanxon, N. N. Rabalais, M. Voss and L. Zillén. 2009. Viewpoint. Tacking hypoxia in the Baltic Sea: Is engineering a solution. Hypoxia in the Baltic Sea: Is engineering the solution? Environmental Science and Technology
  • Conley, D. J., S. Björck, E. Bonsdorff, G. Destouni, B. Gustafsson, S. Hietanen, M. Kortekaas, H. Kuosa, M. Meier, B. Müller-Karulis, K. Nordberg, G. Nürnberg, A. Norkko, H. Pitkänen, N. N. Rabalais, R. Rosenberg, O. Savchuk, C. P. Slomp, M. Voss, F. Wulff and L. Zillén. 2009. Critical Review. Hypoxia-related processes in the Baltic Sea. Environmental Science and Technology 43(10): 3407-3411, DOI: 10.1021/es8027633.
  • Díaz, R. J., R. Rosenberg, N. N. Rabalais and L. A. Levin. 2009. Editorial. Dead zone dilemma. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58: 1767-1768.
  • Gooday, A. J., F. Jorissen, L. A. Levin., J. J. Middelburg, W. Naqvi, N. N. Rabalais, N.N., M. Scranton and J. Zhang. 2009. Historical records of coastal eutrophication and hypoxia. Biogeosciences 6: 1707-1745.
  • Levin, L. A., W. Ekau, A. Gooday, F. Jorrisen, J. Middelburg, W. Naqvi, C. Neira, N. N. Rabalais and J. Zhang. 2009. Effects of natural and human-induced hypoxia on coastal benthos. Biogeosciences 6: 2063-2098.
  • Liu, B., L. A. Schaider, D. B. Senn, R. P. Mason, M. S. Bank, P. W. Swarzenski, J. P Shine, T. Hollweg and N. N. Rabalais. 2009. Hurricane impacts on mercury dynamics in the northern Gulf of Mexico sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeoscience G00C07, doi:10.1029/2008JG000752, 12 pp.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, D. Justić, and R. J. Díaz. 2009. Global change and eutrophication of coastal waters. ICES Journal of Marine Science 66: 1528-1537.
  • Song, S. Q., J. K. Craig, M. M. Baustian and N. N. Rabalais. 2009. A Bayesian hierarchial modeling approach for analyzing observational data from marine ecological studies. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58: 1916-1921.
  • Turner, R. E., N. N. Rabalais and D. Justić. 2008. Gulf of Mexico hypoxia: alternate states and a legacy. Environmental Science and Technology 42: 2323-2327.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, B. K. Sen Gupta, D. F. Boesch, P. Chapman, and M. C. Murrell. 2007. Characterization and long-term trends of hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Does the science support the Action Plan? Estuaries and Coasts 30(5): 753-772.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, B. K. Sen Gupta, E. Platon and M. L. Parsons. 2007. Sediments tell the history of eutrophication and hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Ecological Applications, 17(5) Supplement: S129-S143. [Special Issue, Nutrient Enrichment of Estuarine and Coastal Marine EnEnvironments]
  • Turner, R. E., N. N. Rabalais, R. B. Alexander, G. McIsaac and R. W. Howarth. 2007. Characterization of nutrient, organic carbon and sediment loads from the Mississippi River into the northern Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts 30(5): 773-790.
  • Turner, R. E., N. N. Rabalais and D. Justić. 2006. Predicting summer hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: riverine N, P and Si loading. Marine Pollution Bulletin 52: 139-148.
  • Turner, R. E., N. N. Rabalais, B. Fry, N. Atilla, C. S. Milan, J. M. Lee, C. Normandeau, T. A. Oswald, E. M. Swenson, and D. A. Tomasko. 2006. Paleo-indicators and water quality change in the Charlotte Harbor Estuary (Florida). Limnology and Oceanography 51: 518-533.
  • Walker, N.D. and N.N. Rabalais. 2006. Relationships among satellite chlorophyll a, river inputs and hypoxia on the Louisiana continental shelf, Gulf of Mexico. Estuaries and Coasts 29(6B): 1081-1093.
  • Justić, D., N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner. 2005. Coupling between climate variability and marine coastal eutrophication: historical evidence and future outlook. Journal of Sea Research 54: 25-35.
  • Platon, E., B. K. Sen Gupta, N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner. 2005. Effect of seasonal hypoxia on the benthic foraminiferal community of the Louisiana inner continental shelf: The 20th century record. Marine Micropaleontology 54: 263-283.
  • Turner, R. E., N. N. Rabalais, E. M. Swenson, M. Kasprzak and T. Romaire. 2005. Summer hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico and its prediction from 1978 to 1995. Marine Environmental Research 59: 65-77.
  • Rabalais, N. N., N. Atilla, C. Normandeau and R. E. Turner (2004) Ecosystem history of Mississippi River-influenced continental shelf revealed through preserved phytoplankton pigments. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49: 537-547.
  • Turner, R. E., C. S. Milan and N. N. Rabalais. 2004. A retrospective analysis of trace metals, C, N and diatom remnants in sediments from the Mississippi River delta shelf. Marine Pollution Bulletin 49:548-556.
  • Turner, R.E., Q. Dortch and N. N. Rabalais. 2004. Inorganic nitrogen transformations at high loading rates in an oligohaline estuary. Biogeochemistry 68: 411-422.
  • Turner, R. E. and N. N. Rabalais (2004). Suspended sediment, C, N, P, and Si yields from the Mississippi River Basin. Hydrobiologia 511: 79-89
  • Justić, D., N. N. Rabalais, and R. E. Turner. 2003. Simulated responses of the Gulf of Mexico hypoxia to variations in climate and anthropogenic nutrient loading. Journal of Marine Systems 42: 115-126.
  • Justić, D., R. E. Turner and N. N. Rabalais. 2003. Climatic influences on riverine nitrate flux: Implications for coastal marine eutrophication and hypoxia. Estuaries 26: 1-11.
  • Scavia, D., N. N. Rabalais, R. E. Turner, D. Justic, and W. J. Wiseman, Jr. (2003). Predicting the response of Gulf of Mexico hypoxia to variations in Mississippi River nitrogen load. Limnology & Oceanography 48: 951-956.
  • Turner, R. E. and N. N. Rabalais (2003). Linking landscape and water quality in the Mississippi River basin for 200 years. BioScience 53: 563-572.
  • Turner, R. E., N. N. Rabalais, D. Justić and Q. Dortch. 2003. Global patterns of dissolved N, P and Si in large rivers. Biogeochemistry 64: 297-317.
  • Turner, R. E., N. N. Rabalais, D. Justić, and Q. Dortch. 2003. Future aquatic nutrient limitations. Marine Pollution Bulletin 46: 1032-1034.
  • Childs, C. R., N. N. Rabalais, R. E. Turner and L. M. Proctor (2002). Sediment denitrification in the Gulf of Mexico zone of hypoxia. Marine Ecology Progress Series 240: 285-290. & 2003. Erratum 247: 310.
  • Justic, D., N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner (2002). Modeling the impacts of decadal changes in riverine nutrient fluxes on coastal eutrophication near the Mississippi River Delta. Ecological Modeling 152: 33-46
  • Rabalais, N. N. (2002) Nitrogen in aquatic ecosystems. Ambio 31(2): 102-112.
  • Rabalais, N. N. and S. W. Nixon (2002) Preface: Nutrient Over-enrichment of the Coastal Zone. Estuaries 25(4b): 497.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner and D. Scavia (2002) Beyond science into policy: Gulf of Mexico hypoxia and the Mississippi River. BioScience 52: 129-142.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, Q. Dortch, D. Justic, V. J. Bierman, Jr. and W. J. Wiseman, Jr. (2002) Review. Nutrient-enhanced productivity in the northern Gulf of Mexico: past, present and future. Hydrobiologia 475/476: 39-63.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner and W. J. Wiseman, Jr. 2002. Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico, a.k.a. “The Dead Zone.” Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 33: 235-263.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, Q. Dortch, D. Justić, V. J. Bierman, Jr. and W. J. Wiseman, Jr. 2002. Review. Nutrient-enhanced productivity in the northern Gulf of Mexico: past, present and future. Hydrobiologia 475/476: 39-63.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner and W. J. Wiseman, Jr. 2001. Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Environmental Quality 30: 320-329.


  • Downing, J. A. c., N. N. Rabalais, et al. (1999). Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia: Land-Sea Interactions, Council for Agricultural Science and Technology: 40.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, et al. (1998). “Consequences of the 1993 Mississippi River flood in the Gulf of Mexico.” Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 14: 161-177.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, W. J. Wiseman, Jr. and Q. Dortch (1998) Consequences of the 1993 Mississippi River Flood in the Gulf of Mexico. Regulated Rivers: Research & Management 14:161-177.
  • Turner, R. E., N. Qureshi, et al. (1998). Fluctuating silicate: nitrate ratios and coastal plankton food webs, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA.95: 13048-13051.
  • Turner, R. E., N. Qureshi, N. N. Rabalais, Q. Dortch, D. Justic, R. F. Shaw and J. Cope (1998). Fluctuating silicate:nitrate ratios and coastal plankton food webs. Proceedings National Academy of Science, USA 95:13048-13051.
  • Justic, D., N. N. Rabalais, et al. (1997). “Impacts of climate change on net productivity of coastal waters: Implications for carbon budget and hypoxia.” Climate Research 8: 225-237.
  • Lohrenz, S. E., G. L. Fahnenstiel, et al. (1997). “Variations in primary production of northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf waters linked to nutrient inputs from the Mississippi River.” Marine Ecology. Progress Series 155: 435-454.
  • Wiseman, J., W. J., N. N. Rabalais, et al. (1997). “Seasonal and interannual variability within the Louisiana Coastal Current: Stratification and hypoxia.” Journal of Marine Systems 12: 237-248.
  • Zimmerman, R. J., J. M. Nance, et al. (1997). Trends in shrimp catch in the hypoxic area of the northern Gulf of Mexico. Mississippi, EPA Gulf of Mexico Program Office Stennis Space Center: 64-75.
  • Howarth, R. W., G. Billen, et al. (1996). “Regional nitrogen budgets and riverine N & P fluxes for the drainages to the North Atlantic Ocean: Natural and human influences.” Biogeochemistry 35: 75-79.
  • Justic, D., N. N. Rabalais, et al. (1996). “Effects of climate change on hypoxia in coastal waters: A doubled CO2 scenario for the northern Gulf of Mexico.” Limnology and Oceanography 41: 992-1003.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, D. Justic, Q. Dortch, W. J. Wiseman, Jr. and B. K. Sen Gupta (1996) Nutrient changes in the Mississippi River and system responses on the adjacent continental shelf. Estuaries 19(2B): 386-407.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, et al. (1996). “Nutrient changes in the Mississippi River and system responses on the adjacent continental shelf.” Estuaries 19: 386-407.
  • Sen Gupta, B. K., R. E. Turner, et al. (1996). “Seasonal oxygen depletion in continental-shelf waters of Louisiana: Historical record of benthic foraminifers.” Geology 24: 227-230.
  • Diaz, R. J. and R. Rosenberg (1995). “Marine benthic hypoxia: A review of its ecological effects and the behavioural responses of benthic macrofauna.” Oceanography and Marine Biology: an Annual Review 33: 245-303.
  • Justic, D., N. N. Rabalais, et al. (1995). “Changes in nutrient structure of river-dominated coastal waters: Stoichiometric nutrient balance and its consequences.” Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 40: 339-356.
  • Justic, D., N. N. Rabalais, et al. (1995). “Stoichiometric nutrient balance and origin of coastal eutrophication.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 30: 41-46.
  • Justic, D., N.N. Rabalais, R.E. Turner and Q. Dortch (1995). Changes in nutrient structure of river-dominated coastal waters: Stoichiometric nutrient balance and its consequences. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 40:339-356.
  • Qureshi, N. A. (1995). The role of fecal pellets in the flux of carbon to the sea floor on a river-influenced continental shelf subject to hypoxia. Dissertation. Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State University, 255pp.
  • Bierman, J., V. J., et al. (1994). “A preliminary mass balance model of primary productivity and dissolved oxygen in the Mississippi River Plume/Inner Gulf shelf region.” Estuaries 17: 886-899.
  • Eadie, B. J., B. A. McKee, et al. (1994). “Records of nutrient-enhanced coastal productivity in sediments from the Louisiana continental shelf.” Estuaries 17: 754-765.
  • Nance, J. M., E. X. Martinez, et al. (1994). “Feasibility of improving the economic return from the Gulf of Mexico brown shrimp fishery.” North American Journal of Fisheries Management 14: 522-536.
  • Nelsen, T. A., P. Blackwelder, et al. (1994). “Time-based correlation of biogenic, lithogenic and authigenic sediment components with anthropogenic inputs in the Gulf of Mexico NECOP study area.” Estuaries 17: 873-885.
  • Turner, R. E. and N. N. Rabalais (1994). “Coastal eutrophication near the Mississippi river delta.” Nature 368: 619-621.
  • Justic, D., N. N. Rabalais, et al. (1993). “Seasonal coupling between riverborne nutrients, net productivity and hypoxia.” Marine Pollution Bulletin 26: 184-189.
  • Turner, R. E. and N. N. Rabalais (1991). “Changes in Mississippi River water quality this century. Implications for coastal food webs.” BioScience 41: 140-148.
  • Turner, R.E. and N.N. Rabalais (1991). Changes in Mississippi River water quality this century and implications for coastal food webs. BioScience 41(3):140-147.


  • Renaud, M. (1986). “Hypoxia in Louisiana coastal waters during 1983: implications for fisheries.” Fishery Bulletin 84: 19-26.
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  • Pavela, J. S., J. L. Ross, et al. (1983). “Sharp reductions in abundance of fishes and benthic macroinvertebrates in the Gulf of Mexico off Texas associated with hypoxia.” Northeast Gulf Science 6: 167-173.
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  • Harper, D. E., R. R. Salzer, et al. (1981). “The occurrence of hypoxic bottom water off the upper Texas coast and its effect on the benthic biota.” Contributions in Marine Science 24: 53-79.


  • Crossland, C. J., H. H. Kremer, M. D. A. Le Tissier, H. J. Lindeboom, J. I. Marshall-Crossland and N. N. Rabalais (eds.). 2005. Coastal Fluxes in the Anthropocene, Springer-Verlag.
  • Rabalais, N. N. and R. E. Turner (eds.). 2001. Coastal Hypoxia: Consequences for Living Resources and Ecosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
  • Holiday, M. C. and B. K. O’Bannon (1997). Fisheries of the United States, 1996. Washington, D.C., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Marine Fisheries Service.

Book Chapters


  • Buck, K. R., N. Rabalais, J. M. Bernhard and J. P. Barry. 2012. Living assemblages from the “dead zone” and naturally occurring hypoxic zones. pp. 343-352 in A. V. Altenbach, J. M. Bernhard and J. Seckbach (eds.), Anoxia: Evidence for Eukaryote Survival and Paleontological Strategies, pp. 343352, Springer Netherlands. doi: 10.1007/978–94-007-1896-8_18.
  • Rabalais, N. N. and R. E. Turner. 2011. 11.5 Management Case Study: Mississippi River In: Kramer, H. and J. Pinckney (eds.), Volume 11. Integrated Management of Estuaries and Coasts, In: Wolanski, E. and D.S. McLusky (eds.), Treatise on Estuarine and Coastal Science. Elsevier.
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2010. Eutrophication of estuarine and coastal ecosystems. Pp. 115-135 in R. Mitchell and J.-D. Gu (eds.), Environmental Microbiology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey


  • Rabalais, N. N. and D. Gilbert. 2008. Distribution and consequences of hypoxia. Chapter 11, pp. 209-225 in E. R. Urban, Bjørn Sundby, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, and Jerry Milello (eds), Watersheds, Bays, and Bounded Seas: The Science and Management of Semi-Enclosed Marine Systems. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Snelgrove, P. V. R., M. Flitner, E. R. Urban, Jr., W. Ekau, M. Glaser, H. K. Lotze, K. Phillipart, P. Sompongchaiyakul, E. Yuwono, J. Melillo, M. Meybek, N. Rabalais, and J. Zhang. 2008. Governance and Management of Ecosystem Services in Semi-Enclosed Marine Systems. Chapter 4, pp. 49-76 in E. R. Urban, Jr., Bjørn Sundby, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, and Jerry Milello (eds), Watersheds, Bays, and Bounded Seas: The Science and Management of Semi-Enclosed Marine Systems. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
  • van de Koppel, J., Paul Tett, Wajih Naqvi, Temel Oguz, Gerardo M. E. Perillo, Nancy N. Rabalais, Maurizio Ribera d’Alcalà, Su Jilan, and Jing Zhang. 2008. Threshold effects in semi-enclosed seas. Chapter 3, pp. 31-47 in E. R. Urban, Jr., Bjørn Sundby, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli, and Jerry Milello (eds), Watersheds, Bays, and Bounded Seas: The Science and Management of Semi-Enclosed Marine Systems. Island Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Turner, R. E., N. N. Rabalais, D. Scavia and G. F. McIsaac. 2007. Corn Belt landscapes and hypoxia of the Gulf of Mexico. In J. I. Nassauer, M. V. Santelmann and D. Scavia (eds.) From the Corn Belt to the Gulf. Ecological and Societal Implications of Alternative Agricultural Futures, Resources for the Future Press, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Rabalais, N. N. and R. E. Turner. 2006. Oxygen depletion in the Gulf of Mexico adjacent to the Mississippi River. Pages 225-245 in L. N. Neretin, ed., Past and Present Marine Water Column Anoxia. NATO Science Series: IV-Earth and Environmental Sciences, Kluwer.
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2005. The potential for nutrient overenrichment to diminish marine biodiversity. Pp 109-122 in E. A. Norse and L. B. Crowder (eds.), Marine Conservation Biology: The Science of Maintaining the Sea’s Biodiversity. Island Press. Washington, D.C.
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2004. Eutrophication. Chapter 21, pp 819-865 in A. R. Robinson, J. McCarthy and B. J. Rothschild (eds.), The Global Coastal Ocean: Multiscale Interdisciplinary Processes, The Sea, Vol. 13, Harvard University Press.
  • Wiseman, Jr., W. J., N. N. Rabalais, R. E. Turner and D. Justić. 2004. Hypoxia and the Physics of the Louisiana Coastal Current. Pp 359-372 in J.C.J. Nihoul, P.O. Zavialov and P. P. Micklin (eds.), Dying and Dead Seas, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Liège, Belgium, NATO ASI Series, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
  • Dortch, Q., N. N. Rabalais, R. E. Turner and N. A. Qureshi. 2001. Impacts of changing Si/N ratios and phytoplankton species composition. Pp 37-48 in N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner (eds.), Coastal Hypoxia: Consequences for Living Resources and Ecosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
  • Justić, D., N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner. 2001. Future perspectives for hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Pp 435-449 in N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner (eds.), Coastal Hypoxia: Consequences for Living Resources and Ecosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
  • Powers, S. P., D. E. Harper, Jr. and N. N. Rabalais. 2001. Effect of hypoxia/anoxia on the supply and settlement of benthic invertebrate larvae. Pp 185-210 in N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner (eds.), Coastal Hypoxia: Consequences for Living Resources and Ecosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
  • Qureshi, N. A. and N. N. Rabalais. 2001. Distribution of zooplankton on a seasonally hypoxic continental shelf. Pp 61-76 in N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner (eds.), Coastal Hypoxia: Consequences for Living Resources and Ecosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
  • Rabalais, N. N. and R. E. Turner. 2001. Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Description, causes and change. Pp 1-36 in N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner (eds.), Coastal Hypoxia: Consequences for Living Resources and Ecosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
  • Rabalais, N. N., D. E. Harper, Jr. and R. E. Turner. 2001. Responses of nekton and demersal and benthic fauna to decreasing oxygen concentrations. Pp 115-128 in N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner (eds.), Coastal Hypoxia: Consequences for Living Resources and Ecosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
  • Rabalais, N. N., L. E. Smith, D. E. Harper, Jr. and D. Justić. 2001. Effects of seasonal hypoxia on continental shelf benthos. Pp 211-240 in N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner (eds.), Coastal Hypoxia: Consequences for Living Resources and Ecosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
  • Turner, R. E. and N. N. Rabalais. 2001. Summary: Commonality and the Future. Pp 451-454 in N. N. Rabalais and R. E. Turner (eds.), Coastal Hypoxia: Consequences for Living Resources and Ecosystems. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 58, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
  • Fisher, T. R., D. Correll, R. Costanza, J. T. Hollibaugh, C. S. Hopkinson, Jr., R. W. Howarth, N. N. Rabalais, J. E. Richey, C. Vörösmarty and R. Wiegert. 2000. Synthesizing drainage basin inputs to coastal systems. Pp 81-101 in J. E. Hobbie (ed.), Estuarine Science: A Synthetic Approach to Research and Practice, Island Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Paerl, H. W., W. R. Boynton, R. L. Dennis, C. T. Driscoll, H. S. Greening, J. N. Kremer, N. N. Rabalais and S. P. Seitzinger. 2000. Atmospheric deposition of nitrogen in coastal waters: biogeochemical and ecological implications. Pp 11-53 in R. A. Valigura, R. B. Alexander, M. S. Castro, T. P. Meyers, H. W. Paerl, P. E. Stacey and R. E. Turner (eds.), Nitrogen Loading in Coastal Water Bodies. An Atmospheric Perspective. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 57, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, D. Justić, Q. Dortch, W. J. Wiseman, Jr. and B. K. Sen Gupta. 2000. Gulf of Mexico biological system responses to nutrient changes in the Mississippi River. Pp 241-268 in J. E. Hobbie (ed.), Estuarine Science: A Synthetic Approach to Research and Practice, Island Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Turner, R. E., D. Stanley, D. Brock, J. Pennock and N. N. Rabalais. 2000. A comparison of independent N-loading estimates for U.S. estuaries. Pp 107-118 in R. A. Valigura, R. B. Alexander, M. S. Castro, T. P. Meyers, H. W. Paerl, P. E. Stacey and R.E. Turner (eds.), Nitrogen Loading in Coastal Water Bodies. An Atmospheric Perspective. Coastal and Estuarine Studies 57, American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C.


  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner and W. J. Wiseman, Jr. 1999. Hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico: Linkages with the Mississippi River. Pp 297-322 in H. Kumpf, K. Steidinger and K. Sherman (eds.), The Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem, Assessment, Sustainability, and Management, Blackwell Science, Malden, Massachusetts, 697 pp.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, et al. (1999). Characterization of Hypoxia: Topic 1 Report for the Integrated Assessment of Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Decision Analysis Series No. 15. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program, Silver Spring, MD, 167 pp.
  • Harper, Jr., D. E., L. D. McKinney, et al. (1991). Recovery responses of two benthic assemblages following an acute hypoxic event on the Texas continental shelf, northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Pages 49-64 in R.V. Tyson and T. H. Pearson (eds.), Modern and Ancient Continental Shelf Anoxia. Geological Society Special Publication No. 58, The Geological Society, London, 470 pp.
  • Rabalais, N. N., R. E. Turner, et al. (1991). A brief summary of hypoxia on the northern Gulf of Mexico continental shelf: 1985–1988. Pages 35-47 in Modern and Ancient Continental Shelf Anoxia. R. V. Tyson and T. H. Pearson. London, Geological Society Special Publication. 58: 470.



  • Daly, K., F. Chan and N. Rabalais. 2010. Low oxygen regions in the oceans. Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Program News 3(2): 6-9.
  • National Research Council. 2010. Improving Water Quality in the Mississippi River Basin and Northern Gulf of Mexico: Strategies and Priorities. Committee: Moreau, D. H. (Chair), R. K. Craig, M. Demissie, O. C. Doering III, D. A. Dzombak, P. L. Freedman, G. T. Mehan III, N. N. Rabalais, T. W. Simpson, R. Wolf. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Diaz, R. J., R. Rosenberg, N. N. Rabalais and L. A. Levin. 2009. Editorial. Dead zone dilemma. Marine Pollution Bulletin 58(12): 1767-1768.
  • National Research Council. 2009. Nutrient Control Actions for Improving Water Quality in the Mississippi River Basin and Northern Gulf of Mexico. Committee: D. H. Moreau (Chair), D. A. Dzombak, P. Freedman, O. Doering, N. N. Rabalais, R. Craig, T. Simpson, R. Wolf. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Wolanski, E., A. Newton, N. Rabalais and C. Legrand. 2008. Coastal Zone Management. Pp. 630-637 in S. E. Jørgensen and B. D. Faith (eds.), Ecological Engineering. Vol. [1] of Encyclopedia of Ecology, 5 volumes. Oxford: Elsevier, Amsterdam.
  • National Research Council. 2007. The Mississippi River and the Clean Water Act. Committee: D. A. Dzombak, Chair, H. H. Cheng, R. K. Craig, O. C. Doering, W. V. Luneburg, Jr., G. Tracy Mehan III, J. B. Park, N. N. Rabalais, J. L. Schnoor, D. M. Soballe, E. L. Thackston, S. W. Trimble, and A. H. Vicory. National Academies Press, Washington, D.C.
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2005. Consequences of Mississippi River diversion for Louisiana Coastal Restoration. National Wetlands Newsletter, July-August, 2005: 21-24.
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2005. Watershed Alterations and Coastal Ocean Response: The Mississippi River. Contribution to Chapter 5, The Catchment to Coast Continuum in C. J. Crossland et al., eds., Coastal Fluxes in the Anthropocene, Springer.
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2004. Nonpoint source pollution and coastal water quality. Pp. 17-23 in M. Sohrabpour (ed.), Proceedings of a Workshop on Ecology of the Caspian Sea, The Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in cooperation with the U.S. National Academies, November 1-7, 2002, Tehran, IR Iran.
  • Bierman, Jr., V. J., S. C. Hinz, W. J. Wiseman, Jr., R. E. Turner and N. N. Rabalais. 2003. Forecasting Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico: Responses to Nutrient Loading in the Mississippi River Basin. Pages 111-115 In N. J. Valette-Silver and D. Scavia. Ecological Forecasting: New Tools for Coastal and Ecosystem Management. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NOS, NCOOS, 116 p.
  • Justić, D., N. N. Rabalais, R. E. Turner. 2003. Climate, hypoxia and fisheries: Implications of global climate change for the Gulf of Mexico hypoxic zone. In R. F. Kazmierczak, Jr. and L. J. Thibodeaux (eds.) Proceedings of the 2000 Louisiana Environmental State of the State Conference, available on line at the Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness, Louisiana State University, Proceedings/index.htm
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2003. We All Live Downstream (and Upstream). View Point. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 58(3): 52A-53A.
  • Rabalais, N. N., N. Atilla and C. Normandeau. 2003. Ecosystem history revealed through preserved phytoplankton pigments. Chapter 4 in Turner, R. E., E. B. Overton, N. N. Rabalais and B. K. Sen Gupta (eds.). 2003. Historical Reconstruction of the Contaminant Loading and Biological Responses in the Central Gulf of Mexico Shelf Sediments. OCS Study, MMS 2003-063. U.S. Dept. of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Justić, D., N. N. Rabalais, and R. Eugene Turner. 2002. Implications of Global Climate Change for Coastal and Estuarine Hypoxia: Hypotheses, Observations and Models for the Northern Gulf of Mexico. In Proceedings, 6th International Symposium, Fish Physiology, Toxicology and Water Quality, Hypoxia in the Aquatic Environment, La Paz, Baja California, Mexico, January 2001, EPA
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2002. Changes in Mississippi River nutrient fluxes and consequences for the northern Gulf of Mexico coastal ecosystem. Pages 134-138 in L. D. de Lacerda, H. H. Kremer, B. Kjerfve, W. Saolmons, J. I. Marshall Crossland, and C. J. Crossland, South American Basins, LOICZ Global Change Assessment and Synthesis of River Catchment-Coastal Sea Interaction and Human Dimensions. LOICZ Reports & Studies No. 21, LOICZ International Project Office, Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel, The Netherlands.
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2002. The Effects of Seasonally Severe Hypoxia on Continental Shelf Fauna. In Proceedings, 6th International Symposium, Fish Physiology, Toxicology and Water Quality, Hypoxia in the Aquatic Environment, La Paz, Baja California, Mexico, January 2001, EPA Rpt. No. EPA/600/R-02/097, Environmental Protection Agency, Ecosystems Research Division, Athens, Georgia.
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2001. Dead Zone. Pages 242-245 in Vol. 2, R. A Eblen and W. R. Eblen (eds.), Encyclopedia of the Environment. Marshall Cavendish Corporation, Tarrytown, New York.
  • Rabalais, N. N. 2001. Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Coastal Services Center, Northern Gulf of Mexico Imagery and Information,


  • Goolsby, D. A., W. A. Battaglin, G. B. Lawrence, R. S. Artz, B. T. Aulenbach and R.P. Hooper (1999). Flux and Sources of Nutrients in the Mississippi-Atchafalaya River Basin: Topic 3 Report for the Integrated Assessment of Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program Decision Analysis Series No. 17. NOAA Coastal Ocean Program, Silver Spring, MD, 130 pp.
  • Rabalais, N. N. (1998). Hypoxia. New Orleans, La, U.S. Dept. of Interior, Minerals Management Service,: 325-354 of 513pp. An Observational Study of the Mississippi-Atchafalaya Coastal Plume.
  • Rabalais, N. N. (1998a). Oxygen Depletion in Coastal Waters. NOAA’s State of the Coast Report. Silver Spring, Maryland, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
  • Limno-Tech, I. (1995). Estimated Responses of Water Quality on the Louisiana Inner Shelf to Nutrient Load Reductions in the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers. Mississippi, Report to the Gulf of Mexico Program, John C. Stennis Space Center: 46.
  • Rabalais, N. N., L. E. Smith, et al. (1995). The effects of bottom water hypoxia on benthic communities of the southeastern Louisiana continental shelf. New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S. Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region: 105.
  • Ragan, J. G., A. H. Harris, et al. (1978). Temperature, salinity and oxygen measurements of surface and bottom waters on the continental shelf off Louisiana during portions of 1975 and 1976. Thibodaux, Louisiana, Nicholls State Univ: 1-29.